Haiku Summary ~ sex and alcohol ~ more sex and more alcohol ~ double LOL

I Take You: A Novel by Eliza Kennedy

This is the first time I’ve read a book with both text message exchanges and soft porn vignettes entwined throughout the plot and subplot lines. I probably would not have finished it, if not for my wish to write a review for LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers. Finally, it was thought-provoking and disturbing. Do we have to like the characters? Does it have to be believable?

It reminded me of many conversations I’ve had regarding the double standard in the sexual revolution and sexual morality as a social construct. That was a long time ago and I must say, at the end of the day, alcoholism and sex addiction are not as compelling to me as they once were, as a collegiate philosopher in the coffee houses and college bars of yesteryear.

I don’t want to be too harsh. I did want to know what happens next. I would recommend the book to my best-friend-in-high-school’s Uncle Bob, were he still alive. I think he would like these characters and this book as it would pique his prurient interests, especially if he could discuss it with some open-minded and adventurous college girls. I would not recommend any college girls to read about these excesses without consequences, nor to discuss them with someone as attractive and manipulative as my friend’s narcissistic uncle. May he rest in peace.

(Originally posted on my LibraryThing.com account)